Hollywood Reporter - Wilmer Valderrama and Eva Longoria Get Out the Latino Vote

With registration still open in 29 states, the actor activists are working to rouse the community of 24 million to its full political power: "In numbers, they're going to get something done."

This story first appeared in the Oct. 19 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine by Tim Apello. [EXCERPT]

The 24 million or so Latino Americans eligible to vote this fall represent the sleeping giant in American politics, and Eva Longoria and Wilmer Valderrama, who've been friends since they were penniless actors, are doing their best to awaken it and make it roar.

"About 50,000 Latinos turn 18 each month," says Valderrama, a regular on last season's NBC series Awake. "We're trying to make them understand that in numbers, they're going to get something done. They don't realize government is almost begging for this feedback." Valderrama's group -- which is holding daily national registration events until Election Day -- is not interested in whom people vote for, only that they do it.

"I'm on Obama's re-election committee," says Longoria, "so I'm not bipartisan -- look, I'm wearing my Democratic necklace somebody sent me, with gold and diamonds. [It is Alex Woo’s Little Activist Donkey Pendant in Yellow Gold and Diamonds.] My job is, after Wilmer registers them to vote, to make them vote Democratic." For the full story click here for the The Hollywood Reporter.

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